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April 18th, 2023 | 5 - 7 pm

The group exhibition IN ARTE VOLUPTAS takes place in the Portheimka Gallery on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the last meeting of the Schlaraffia association in the premises of the Portheimka chateau. Friendship, art and humor are the three main goals of this worldwide association of carefree revelers. The association's slogan is the Latin sentence: "In arte voluptas", i.e. "There is pleasure in art", which curator Petr Hájek also used for the title of this exhibition, where 27 contemporary czech authors of the youngest generation present their latest works. His main goal in preparing the exhibition was to achieve the pleasure of art in the viewer. Come and see to what extent he succeeded. In addition to the curator of the exhibition, some of the exhibited authors will also participate in the guided tour.

Come the last week of the IN ARTE VOLUPTAS exhibition to Portheimka Gallery to celebrate art, friendship and humor!

Open Tuesday to Sunday 1pm - 6 pm. The exhibition can be visited until Friday, April 21, 2023

----------------- Portheimka Gallery, Štefánikova 12, Prague 5

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The Chemistry Gallery | Hall 40, Holešovická tržnice, Bubenské nábřeží 306/13, 170 00 Prague 7 ​



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