The Chemistry Gallery is a dynamic creative institution, founded in 2008, focused on serious commercial and professional presentation of works by contemporary visual artists both from the Czech Republic and abroad. Since the beginning of the gallery's operation, we have been looking for young talents, whom we help to successfully enter the art market. Since 2016, we have been participating in foreign art fairs with the aim of bringing the work of the exhibited artists closer to a wider international audience. For this purpose, we cooperate with top curators and publish publications for exhibitions, so that the author's gallery presentation goes beyond the scope of the current exhibition. We focus mainly on painting, sculpture and light installations. During the gallery's existence, we have organized more than 200 exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad, and we have placed the works of authors with whom we cooperate in important Czech and international collections.

Hall 40, Holešovická tržnice, Bubenské nábřeží 306/13, 170 00 Prague 7
TUE - FRI: 15 - 19
SAT: 11 - 19
SUN: 15 - 19
or by prior arrangement
Billing information:
The Chemistry Production, sro
Company ID: 28466691
VAT number: CZ28466691
Nerudova 254/9
Malá Strana
Praha 1
118 00