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the chemistry gallery


March 7 - March 10, Metropolitan Pavilion, NY, USA

From March 7 till March 10, 2019 we are participating at SCOPE NYC - critically acclaimed art fair that takes place annually during Armory Week in New York. This year we are presenting artworks of painter Jan Vytiska from the series Black Lake and Man Under The Pressure Of Existential Weight and artworks of sculptor Cimala Michal from Explosive series and also his brand new sculpture Disillusion made specifically for this occasion.

The Chemistry Gallery was chosen into The New Contemporary program as according to organizers: “We are convinced you are showing work that fits exactly into what we are defining as the next big frontier in the art world that transcends canonical genres and trends and is an evolution of the graffiti and urbanism movements into an art world context.”

Our participation here in New York was made possible thanks to the support of: City of Prague, Czech Center New York and Badokh Foundation. Thank you!!

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The Chemistry Gallery | Hall 40, Holešovická tržnice, Bubenské nábřeží 306/13, 170 00 Prague 7 ​



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