Polite art is not the sphere in which Sadovski and Trantina work. Their violent and brutal
paintings do not attempt to obscure the horrors that can be seen all around us. Nor is there
any possibility of finding order within these chaotic paintings. Their painting seems entirely random, threatening at first glance. Gradually one can notice an internal logic, which emerges through the bright and undomesticated colors, despite the thorny content. The world as Sadovsky and Trantina depict erupts and explodes. This is futuristic painting addressing social, political and cultural issues in an untamed existence. Futuristic robots are menacing, but no less so than cannons or tanks or fighter jets flying in the yellow, sickly skies. Every object, once imagined and painted on canvas - clashes with another. The conflict is all encompassing - there is no way to avoid it. And yet, it is art. This is not only a political proclamation, but a depiction of here and now in the minds of so many people. Their new series of paintings bring up such troubling issues as the way societies and cultures can function in the absence of a foundation or certainty. How can art operate under conditions of total confusion? The painted anarchy on their canvases goers against every accepted notion of form and style. The experiences which are depicted portray reality that has lost its way, dissolving into Itself and shattering into pace without reason. The horrors of technological and cultural struggles break out into a glorious war.The paintings are unsettling. They do not create an aesthetic experience in the conventional sense of the word. They represent injury not just to the canvas, but also to the eyes of those observing them. They punish the viewer, like scenes in horror movies, in which the dagger strikes the skull. It is an expression of artistic anarchistic rage. A lack of style, which in its internal contradiction creates a style of its own. A chaotic and meaningless psychedelic collage serves as an attempt to a plethora of real world images and what they say about our culture in these days of the pandemic. The depicted world they create illustrates the shock to the system of artistic formulation that occurs when creating or describing reality as seen through the artists mind. A prophetic rage and fury.
Solo exhibitions
FAITH AND ELECTRIC DOGS, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague
Geometric: Trafo Gallery, Prague
Another Yard: Gallery of Fine Arts in Cheb, Cheb
Letters2.0: Pierstone Art Soirée, Prague
Letters: The Chemistry Gallery, Prague
001: Grafficon, Prague
Group exhibitions
Salon, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague
10 years of Chemistry, Hall 17, Holešovická tržnice, Prague
Roxy Visuals vol. 11: Roxy, Prague Walls Art Fest, Žďár nad Sázavou
Dancing People Are Never Wrong, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague
Chemistry Salon, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague
Nad Papírem # 3: ONE TWO THREE Gallery, Prague
Passion: The Chemistry Gallery, Prague
City = gallery, Kutná Hora
m3, Art in Space, Prague
Candy Shop: Quadrio, Prague
Artifact: The Chemistry Design Store, Prague
Woodoo Session, Podebrady
Woodoo Session, Podebrady
Views: The Chemistry Gallery, Prague
Kampart, Prague
Past Present Future: Trafo Gallery, Prague