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Patrik Adamec 

Patrik Adamec was born in North Bohemia’s Chomutov, but his childhood and personality were largely shaped
by a decade spent with his parents in the US state of Florida. After returning to the Czech Republic, Patrik
began to devote himself more than ever to music and visual arts, he fell in love with the saxophone, basics
of drawing, painting and graphics techniques. Patrik decided to use his art education and experience from
the family construction company to study architecture and industrial design at the Czech technical University, but soon afterword’s he felt a desire for purely artistic expression. In 2017 he was accepted into the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where he studies to date. In addition to his studies, he regularly participates in
sculpture symposiums in the Ore Mountains near his hometown.Patrik can be seen as an explorer who examines
different signs of life. The sincere interest in mankind mixes intimately with his fantasy. He perceives the city
as a living ecosystem where human archetypes meet. Patrik whilst surveying the city watches what is offered

to him and collects unwanted, forgotten and discarded industrial fruits. Found treasures are collected on

his worktable that he perceives as a mirror of the soul, melding with the workspace he paints with material.
Thinking of distant/ extraterrestrial/ future civilizations, when working, tries looking through their eyes upon our everyday life. This helps him overcome the boundaries of the conventional and finds connections in randomness. He compiles playful objects that he wants to unease the viewer with and lead them to the question: What is this?


Group exhibitions




The Chemistry Gallery, Prague

Inner and outer landscape, Kritiku Gallery, Prague


I'll straighten my back, break through the ceiling, Slaný

Forwarded call HYB4, Krásný dvůr

Artake Away The next stop? Prague

Parallel Vienna, Suppan Art Gallery

Laura Limbourg: American Diary Telegraph Loft, Olomouc

Figurama 22, HYB4, Prague


What Day Will Not Give Us Will Give Us Night, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague

Art week Liberec

Figurama 21, HYB4, Prague

Mirror, WTG, Hradec Králové

Anniversary of Vlasta Burian, Comedy Theater


Colorful Downer, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague

Figurama 20, HYB4, Prague

VaclavART Sculptures in Příkopy


Just Kids, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague

Figurama 19 + 220 figur AVU + Artelerie




VáclavART, Prague




Spinkárna, Vestředu Gallery, Pilsen

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