Markéta Kolářová
Markéta Kolářová (*1993) was born in Svitavy and lives and works in Prague. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the Painting III studio, under the guidance of Michael Rittstein. She graduated in 2019, in the studio Painting III, led by Josef Bolf. This year she was awarded second place in the Critics' Award for Young Painting.
Kolářová devotes herself to drawing and painting, most often with acrylics and oils. She works with a wide range of canvas formats, and an earthy color palette, which is both harmonious and contrasting. She creates the resulting image with only one color and its shades. The author's approach to creation is a kind of dialogue between her intention and the technique of painting, through which the resulting image is created and further developed.
The themes Kolářová portrays refer to science fiction, fantasy worlds, pagan culture, but also to introspective themes and mental state. Mysticism, mythology, rituals, but also the aesthetics of cinematography or personal experiences are other sources from which she draws inspiration for her works.
The melancholy permeating throughout – abstract figures and faces whose expressions raise questions of what emotional state they are in and what they are trying to convey - are the predominant features of the author's work.
The soulfulness, the turning inward, the spiritual dynamics and even the lethargy that the faces reflect, are attractive and eye-catching mirrors that entice the viewer to immerse themselves in the world of mysticism and contemplation.
The author's transcendent experiences with rituals and experiences that go beyond sensory and intellectual possibilities led her to this aesthetic form of creation. In this way, Kolářová opens her work to spiritual growth, and shows a projection of our own distinctive experiences.
text: Bára Alex Kašparová

Solo exhibitions
(No) Fantasy, Dům Radost, Prague
Prophets and patrons, GalerieART, Chrudim
Great Meeting, Cargo Gallery, Prague
Midsummer, Galerie Dolmen, Prague
Unexpected Moment, Orange bar, Prague
Beyond the Moment, Museum and Gallery Bohuslav Martinů, Polička
Dream about Landscape, Town Hall Gallery, Kyjov
Come Closer, Anthill café, Prague
Group exhibitions
The exhibition of Finalists of The 15th prize of art critique for young painting 2022, Gallery of Art Critics, Prague
Divine tragicomedy, Komedie Theatre, Prague
NO DRAMA, Prague house, Brussels
Ta malba, Trafo Gallery, Prague
VaclavArt 2020, Myslbek Gallery, Prague
Malba III., Vltavín Gallery and Millennium Gallery, Prague
Krajinow, MUD Benešov, Benešov
VaclavArt 2019, Wenceslas square, Prague
Speed Art Dating, Ex Post Gallery, Prague
Ostrale: Biennale of Contemporary Art, Dresden