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Lucie Jindrák Skřivánková

Painter Lucie Jindrák Skřivánková, a graduate of Michael Rittstein School at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts, is one of the most significant Czech female artists of the current generation. She developed her unique discernible style, characteristic by a broad gestural technique, daring pastel colour scheme resembling water-colour gradients and occasional material combinations, while still studying. Recently she has been relating to architecture in its different forms. Her residence in Brazil led her to be inspired by many local buildings, though she also finds her motifs back home in the Czech Republic. The artist was never hesitant to experiment with different forms and motifs, such as portraits or deeper abstraction, but during the past year, completely new impulses infiltrated her work. Lucie headed on the journey of pure abstraction while preserving some elements of her earlier, typical pieces. Now she combines them with influences reminiscent of Zdeněk Sýkora, Toyen, Joan Miró or some of the artists of the Art Brut movement. She works with massive lines, new materials and their structures and monumental formats upon which she layers all the elements. She lets chance and intuition enter the process even more than before and is herself content with the results.


Solo exhibititons


Blackout, Karpuchina gallery, Prague


Sedimenty, Obecní dům, Opava
Starlink, Rainbow gallery, Prostějov



Sedimenty, Artiséme, Prague

Icaro,Toyen, Prague  



Pink Mountains , Knupp Gallery, Prague


Lost Paradise, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague 


MATA(R),Portuguese center, Prague 


MATA(R), The Chemistry Gallery, Prague 

Diário de viagem de L. J. S.: Praga / Brasília, Templo da boa Vontade, Brasilia

In O. Niemayer’s Footsteps, Kruh Gallery, Ostrava 


Sao Paulo, Czech Centre, Milan 


On the Expansivity of Light and Air, Artpro Gallery, Prague 

Intermediate Step, Avoid Gallery, Prague 

Aero Puerto, Prostějovska Gallery, Prostějov 

Brasil, Beseda Gallery, Ostrava, Czech Republic 

Brasil, La Porta Blu Gallery, Rome 

Bilder-Temporär, Neustadt, Donau 

Komu se zelení, tomu se zelení, The New Stage – National Theatre, Prague 

Short term territory, Salgadeiras, Lisbon  

Down the walls, Artecke, Soelingen 


Totally grey, Gambit Gallery, Prague 

Urbano lie, Galerie obecního domu, Opava

The Imperceptible Explosions, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague


Shared Borders, Borderline, Stockholm


Inside Movement, Gambit Gallery, Prague


The City, Fiducia Gallery, Ostrava  

Group exhibitions


COLORFUL DOWNER, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague

KarARTena, Traffo Gallerie, Prague


Rittsteinovci, Millenium, Prague


Art Prague, Prague



Dancing People Are Newer Wrong,The Chemistry Gallery, Prague



The Unbearable Fastness of Being , Hraničář Gallery, Ústí nad Labem 

Spectaculare Art Show – The Imprint of Music, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague


Temporary Contemporary, House of Lobkowicz, Prague, Czech Republic


Queens Gambit, Prague ́s House, Brussels


Stadtgeschichten, KunstvereinGRAZ, Regensburg

Comtenporary Art Fair Art Prague, Kafka ́s House, Prague 

Urban, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague

Alchemy, Sv. Antonín Church, Sokolov


Paintomorrow, Gallery of Šumperk, Šumperk

PRG-LONDON-PRG, Czech House, London


Structural Discrepancies, GAVU, Prague

Through the Looking Glass Except of Alice, Orlovna Gallery, Kroměříž 

Art in box, La Porta Blu, Rome


Academy of Fine Arts Graduates, Fontána Gallery, Piešťany 

Faith and Devotion, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague, 

Contemporary Art Fair Art Prague, Mánes Gallery, Prague 



Finalists of the 6th ARScontact, Lapidárium, Prague

62. Art Salon, Town Hall, Polička 

Finalists Exhibition of the 6th ARScontact, New City Hall 

Small Formats, Millennium Gallery, Prague 

Three Strokes and Paintings, Beseda Gallery, Ostrava


Sylt i morgon, sylt igar, Kungliga Konsthögskolans, Stockholm 

Contemporary Art Fair Art Prague, Mánes Gallery, Prague 

Painting Studio of Michael Rittstein, Wortners House AJG, České Budějovice 

In The Heaven, Lapidárium, Prague 



Half-and-half, Via Art Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic 

Réalité, Gallery, Czech Centrum, Brussel 

AVU, Trade Fair Palace, National Gallery Prague 

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