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Thu, 12 Oct


Prague 7 - Holešovice

ELEKTROSALON: From the Rave to the Gallery

The exhibition is an official part of the accompanying programme of SIGNAL Festival 2023 and presents the work of 16 contemporary authors who started out as so-called visual makers or illuminators on the club or rave scene.

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ELEKTROSALON: From the Rave to the Gallery
ELEKTROSALON: From the Rave to the Gallery

Time & Location

12 Oct 2023, 18:00 – 11 Nov 2023, 23:50

Prague 7 - Holešovice, Hall 40, Bubenské nábřeží 306/13, 170 00 Prague 7 - Holešovice - Prague 7, Czech Republic


About the event

ELEKTROSALON: From the Rave to the Gallery - Artists TBA


In the depths of the cave, where the first humans once discovered the fire-lit darkness, a desire for connection, for ritual, for art, for self-expression, for freedom was born. Drums rumbled, fires danced on painted walls, and minds were bent by natural substances. This archetypal moment of indulging in collective ecstasy has now been reborn in the form of the modern rave. A space that gives us an almost therapeutic opportunity to disconnect not only from the problems of the outside world, but also from our own personalities and be at one with others, shrouded in smoke and undulating in an almost sacred rumble. The light installations of today's rave parties are heirs to those ancient fires, and DJs along with light makers are then our contemporary shamans and druids, priests who guide us through a night of electronic beats - drums for our age.

The group exhibition ELEKTROSALON, subtitled From the Rave to the Gallery, presents artists who have evolved in this fascinating environment. They started as visual makers or lighting designers in the rave and club scene, where they had the opportunity to experiment, make mistakes and grow. Growing into original personalities with not only a specific character, but also their own visual signature. These artists, who mostly know each other and have worked together before, form a specific scene of light designers. Together they define an artistic direction in which they are both inspiration and rivals.

A rave is more than just a dance party; it is a gesamtkunstwerk, a complete work of art where space, sound and visuals come together. And it is the visual artists who largely define the party atmosphere with their light installations. They build modern altars around which a group ritual takes place. A ritual that dissolves the ego with an emphasis on the aforementioned and important shared experience of energy.

In the gallery space, these visual artists meet for the first time outside of a club setting. Some of them present their current ideas and work, while others look back and update their previously realized projects. The title of the exhibition, ELEKTROSALON, refers to the format of salon exhibitions popular at the turn of the last century, and offers viewers the opportunity to look for commonalities and connections between the artists.




Curators of the exhibition are Marek Šilpoch and Petr Hájek (The Chemistry Gallery).

Artists TBA


The exhibition is an official part of the accompanying programme of SIGNAL Festival 2023, organised by The Chemistry Gallery, in collaboration with H40.


Opening hours of the exhibition:
12.10.- 15.10. 18:00 - 24:00 (SIGNAL Festival)
16.10.- 11.11. 16:00 - 22:00


*During the SIGNAL Festival, the exhibition can be visited by purchasing a SIGNAL Signal Plus or Signal VIP Festival pass, or you can purchase a single admission ticket on site.

From 13.10. until the end of the exhibition, it will be possible to buy a ticket on site or in advance:



Hall 40

Holešovická tržnice, Prague 7




from 18:00


Accompanying programme: TBA


music at the opening: Sinnan


Entrance to the opening: 100 CZK on the spot, or free with a SIGNAL Plus or Signal VIP.


Please note that the exhibition is not suitable for epileptics.


  • Ticket to the exhibition

    This ticket includes entry to the exhibition ELEKTROSALON: From the Rave to the Gallery. The exhibition is an official part of the accompanying program of the SIGNAL Festival 2023. During the SIGNAL Festival, the exhibition can also be visited by purchasing a SIGNAL Festival pass. opening hours: 12.10.-15.10. 18:00 – 24:00 (SIGNAL Festival) 16.10.- 11.11. 16:00 - 22:00

    From CZK 100.00 to CZK 200.00
    Sale ended
    • CZK 200.00
    • CZK 150.00
    • CZK 100.00


    CZK 0.00

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