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Editions of Light 

22. 4. 2014 - 27. 4. 2014

The exhibition, which is being held as part of this year's Lunchmeat festival in collaboration with The Chemistry Gallery, will present selected Czech artists working long-term with the medium of light. The space of the gallery, usually illuminated by sunlight, will be transformed for less than a week into a laboratory of projected light, modified by the artistic intention of the invited artists. The show is supposed to present various spectrums in which light figures as a creative element of a work of art. Illusion, deformation, figurativeness, invasiveness, but also shame. The properties of light that we encounter in the gallery space have a wide functional framework, and the Lunchmeat label decided to start highlighting these properties through a continuous exhibition activity.

To the delight of the organizers, recognized talents from the art field accepted the invitation to cooperate in the exhibition. Daniel Hanzlík belongs to the top of the Czech audiovisual scene for a long time. Apart from independent projects, in which he usually solves the question of reality in the form of a generative installation, he is also a member of the tandem BOOT_AV with Pavel Mrkus, performing mainly as a performative body. Dan Gregor, or INITI, is one of the pioneers of video mapping and interactive light installations in the Czech Republic. He is a member of the artistic group The Macula and is responsible for projects such as Archifon (presented in Olomouc at PAF 2011 and then in Brussels in 2013) or behind the visual-interactive component of Havel's play Anticode, which is regularly presented by the National Theater's Nová Scéna. The name of Richard Loskot, who for the second time made his way among the finalists of the Jindřich Chalupecký Prize, probably does not need to be introduced at length. His experiments with light and temporal relativity are as famous as the light installations of Prokop Bartoníček. However, as part of the Editions of Light exhibition, he will present a completely new technique for working with light. Michal Pustějovský is a recent graduate of the New Media studio at AVU, currently lives and works in London. In his presentation, the audience can look forward to a minimalist work with a spectacular effect, which is a frequent phenomenon in his work. The list of exhibitors is rounded off by laser experimenter Jan Hladil and minimalist Robert Palkovič, FAMU CAS student.

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The Chemistry Gallery | Hall 40, Holešovická tržnice, Bubenské nábřeží 306/13, 170 00 Prague 7 ​



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