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Red Currant!

Václav Misar

5/4/2018 - 10/11/2018

Along with social changes, the beginning of the 1990s brought the Western trend of seeing painting as an
exhausted medium, which only repeats itself and lacks both conceptual and formal development. For at least
the whole decade painting met only with the contempt of theoreticians (in 1996, my curator in Baden Baden stopped talking to me when she found out I was a painter). Václav Misař belongs to the painting generation of the end of the first decade of the 21st century, who again experienced painting as something natural, although the tendency to favour art created primarily by reason is constantly returning. Also playing a role in this self-evident penchant to paint was study at Sopka’s painting studio at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts, where painting was a serious matter. Finally, Václav confirmed the legitimacy of his own painting (and again painting in general) by gradually gaining the respect of his surroundings during his internship at the purely conceptual art academy in Bourges, France. He then fully demonstrated his self-confidence in a fantastically historicizing diploma thesis. 

text: Igor Korpaczewski

Catalog from the BADOKH edition


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