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Matěj Janák: Home Bittersweet Home

November 25th, 2023 - February 24th, 2024

For Matěj Janák (*1988), motive is important. To a large extent, it is characterized by an expressive painting style. The genesis of his current expression stems from long-term experience in the field of graffiti, in which he refined his feeling for linear depiction, monumental execution and fast expressive work. The current exhibition at the House of Joy runs from November 25, 2023 to February 24, 2024.

Home Bittersweet Home in Dom Radost presents Janák's still life. "The nostalgia that Janák's works evoke is perceptible by multiple senses. Not only the eyes are full, but also a kind of smell seems to be smelled. The author's specifically sensitive work with color and feeling for formal execution anchor universally comprehensible motifs in the surface of the canvas and bring the viewer the feeling that he is looking at his personal space," writes Bára Alex Kašparová in the text.

Stop by Doma Radost to experience a similarly complex sensory experience from refined canvases, functionalist interior and noble materials. Café included!

Matěj Janák – Home Bittersweet Home curator: Petr Hájek

25.11. 2023 – 24 February 2024 text for the exhibition: Bára Alex Kašparová graphics for the exhibition: František Polák

Dům Radost nám. Winstona Churchilla 2 Praha 3 – Žižkov

We look forward meeting you!



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