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Mailer Daemon

27.4. 2022 - 27.5. 2023

Aleš Brázdil - Mailer Daemon

that will take place on Wednesday 26.4.2023 from 6pm to 10pm in Hall 40, Holešovická tržnice, Bubenské nábřeží 306, Prague 7.

The solo exhibition of the painter Aleš Brázdil (*1983), a graduate of Zdenek Beran's studio of classical painting techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague from 2009, will present his latest works from the last two years. In terms of painting, Brázdil is primarily interested in abstract work with color. Despite the fact that he remains mostly in a realistic expressive position, he builds the image mainly through color and procedures typical for abstract painting. The reading of the image moves from the depicted reality to the conception of the image as a colorful abstract record. After all, this area interests Brázdil the most - the fine line between realistic and abstract. The colorism of the painting is thus its basic building block and this approach allows him to capture the essence. An essence that occurs through reduction. The resulting image can sometimes appear strange, sometimes ordinary, abstract or realistic. However, it is precisely this mutantness capturing many positions in one form that is the goal of Aleš Brázdil's painterly expression.

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The Chemistry Gallery | Hall 40, Holešovická tržnice, Bubenské nábřeží 306/13, 170 00 Prague 7 ​



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